Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Preclinical Sciences Department
Web: www.uoradea.ro / www.fmforadea.ro
Contact information: S. Cavalu, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
P-ta 1 Decembrie 10, 410081
Oradea, Romania
+40259415680/ +40259476724
Email: simona.cavalu@gmail.com
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My wonderful students
From ISM-CNR Istituto di Struttura della Materia-ROMA
From Istanbul Technical University
Thnx!!! Keep in touch!
Waiting for the new paper to be approved!
Great teacher! Thank you for all the information for PhD.
Thank you for appreciation! Keep working on your PhD project! Lat me know if I can help!
Exceptional partener research
Thank s!
Happy to share our collaborative work!
Impresive work on the subject of nanomaterials!
I am glad to be included in the „nano team”!
Nano team is the Gold Team……
Congratulations for all your work done and for the great results and especially for our collaborations!
Our collaboration is ongoing! Many more to come!
Formidable work on natural extracts. I am impressed by the research on propolis extracts.
The University is fortunate to have such a Professor. Keep on the good work!
We will keep doing together, Adrian!
Mi-a făcut plăcere să lucrăm împreună și sper să găsim în continuare subiecte comune .
Avem deja subiecte! Sanatate sa avem! Si caldura in laborator! Ca deocamdata e la limita inghetului!
I am honored to have had the opportunity to meet you as a coordinating professor and doctoral supervisor. You are a true professional in everything you do. I wish you continued success with your students and all the science projects!
Congratulation for all your work! Thank you for all your information for PhD!
Great blog!
Amazing blog!
I’m very lucky I had a the opportunity to be your PhD student! Thank you, and congratulations for all the achievements and all the exceptional scientific projects! The amazing results you have can improve many medical treatments. Nano medicine is the future!
Congratulations on your achievements, Simona! I’m glad I was part of some of them.
You are the right person in the right place. You prove a professional quality of great value, and the seriousness, meticulousness of transmitting your knowledge to future generations and your finesse is admirable.